
Thank you for visiting my web site, I hope you find these blog posts to be encouraging and educational.  I was ordained as a Southern Baptist pastor in June of 2015 and completed my Doctorate at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2016.

My wife, Katie, and I have been married since 1999 and have 6 wonderful children.

I have a heart and passion for teaching.  In fact, one of my favorite passages of scripture comes from Acts 8.  When Philip is called out to the desert by the Lord, he obeys and soon meets an Ethiopian Eunuch.  During their exchange, Philip asks the Ethiopian if he understand what he is reading.  The Eunuch responds, “How can I unless someone teaches me?”  Teaching others the Word of God is my life’s passion and I thank the Lord for the opportunities I have to do so.

If you would like me to come to your church, retreat, or conference, please complete the contact form below and let me know a few details about your event.

Thanks for visiting and check back often for future updates!

Dr. Long


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